Submitted by Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jonestown, PA
Zion’s Jonestown, Pennsylvania has been hosting Rejoicing Spirits for almost 10 years!
One of the most exciting parts of this ministry is when we spread the word and new people start coming, enjoying the service and making more friends.
Some hear about us through word of mouth. One evening, a congregation member was picking her daughter up from work. While she waited, a young man with Down syndrome started up a conversation with her. Eventually, she invited them both the young man and his mom to visit a service. Because of her willingness to spread the word, the young man and his mom are now regulars as well—they have barely missed a service in five years!
We also spread the word online. Recently, a woman found Zion’s online when she was looking for a service for her son. She now travels more than a half hour each way to attend.
Many Rejoicers were not originally members of our congregation. We are happy and excited to have so many come and even bring others! This is truly one of the purposes for Rejoicing Spirits—to invite others into the kingdom of God!
We continue to work to spread the word to all. There are children and adults that attend who do not have disabilities, but it gives them a chance for fellowship and to realize how to treat and enjoy people with disabilities.