Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Thank you to all who took the time to fill out the survey that was sent to you. Here is a brief summary of information received:

  • Many of you mentioned that you would like to see a monthly email communication. We are researching this possibility in hopes to begin in May or June 2023.
  • Resources—creative worship ideas and talking with other host sites—was a common theme. We will be focusing on providing new worship ideas and how to engage host site leaders.
  • Below are some wonderful words of advice given for new Rejoicing Spirits host sites:
    • Pick a theme and use a good skit book like The Humongous Book of Bible Skits by Group Publishing.
    • Remember that Rejoicing Spirits is not about perfect, liturgical worship. It needs to be OK to be messy and loud. Rejoicing Spirits is about making a joyful noise and allowing voices to speak that aren’t often listened to.
    • Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Rejoice in the fellowship with the Rejoicers.
    • Encourage participants to help with various tasks, as they are able.
    • Expect the unexpected—you cannot anticipate every scenario. Go with the flow and enjoy the worship experience and fellowship time with the Rejoicers.
    • Be patient, show love and compassion and be committed to the Rejoicing Spirits mission.

As always, please feel free to reach out to Kelli Joseph, [email protected] with any questions, ideas, and updates.