We’re pleased to announce that Rejoicing Spirits has received a three-year grant from the Deaconess Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to help fund the work of Rejoicing Spirits. This money will specifically be used to help us seek out, train and equip congregations to launch new Rejoicing Spirits sites.
We’re especially grateful to those of you who wrote letters of support for this grant and to all of you who continue to see Rejoicing Spirits and ministry with people
with disabilities as a vital and important part of our church lives. Here’s a snippet from the grant proposal:
“Rejoicing Spirits was created for the very purpose of enabling congregations to offer an inclusive worship
experience and fellowship opportunities for people of all abilities. This innovative ministry reaches out to enrich the spiritual lives of people with intellectual disabilities, their families, friends, and other supportive community members. Rejoicing Spirits’ Gospel-centered purpose shares God’s Word and delivers a message of love through music and joyous singing, along with brief, meaningful messages.
It invites worshippers to serve, lead, learn, and participate in a shush-free environment. Through Rejoicing Spirits, partnering congregations become aware, educated, and accepting of individuals with intellectual disabilities.”
To learn more about the ELCA Deaconess community, please visit deaconesscommunity.org online.